There's no tragedy in life like the death of a child. Things never get back to the way they were.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I miss...(part 2)

I miss pushing him in his little green umbrella stroller.

I miss seeing him snuggled in his new camoflauge sleeping bag.

I miss the way his sisters would make a mohawk on his head with shampoo at bathtime.

I miss helping him put on his brown, leather sandals.

I miss carrying him from the tub to his room all wrapped up in his lime green bath towel and how he would throw open his arms and unwrap himself and laugh and laugh.

I miss kissing him under his chin and making him cackle because he was so ticklish.

I miss "flying" him on my feet.

I miss buying size 5 diapers and looking at the cute little boy underwear and being excited about him wearing them soon.

I miss him helping me water my plants and water the garden.

I miss coming to pick him up from the nursery at church.

I miss pulling the high chair close to the table at supper time so that he could eat close to us.

I miss cleaning his messy face after he ate spaghetti.

I miss how he would run to greet me with his arms wide open whenever I came to pick him up from the nursery, Nana's or Grandma's.

I miss seeing him in his Daddy's loving arms.

I miss how he would put his hands on my cheeks and turn my head toward his face so that he could "tell" me something.

I miss how he would knock down anything that his sisters tried to build.

I miss going into his room at night and just watching him sleep.

I miss watching him ride around on his sister's pink Power Wheels motorcycle.

I miss his dancing.

I miss the weight of him in my arms.

I miss his love.

I miss being truly happy.


  1. Missing it *all* with you...

  2. I love these "i miss" parts!! I've used to know little (big?) Mark through his precious photos; now i get to know him better with the descriptions by his beautiful mom!! I can imagine him doing all of these things right now. As if nothing's ever happened..

    Thank you.

  3. One day... that glorious day... soon!
